"The night will hold us close--"

Profile of Mica Khyossari

AGEThirty-four summers
NAMEDAY4th Sun / 4th Astral Moon (July 4th)
RACEAla Mhigan/Garlean Elezen
GENDERGenderqueer trans femme (she/her)
PATRON DEITYRhalgr and Nymeia
LIKESCooking, reading, journaling, gardening, dancing.
DISLIKESOverpriced clothing, sleeping in, liars, financial instability.
FAMILYAdellae Khyossari (mother, deceased); Laurent Claumaire (step-father, deceased); Ilyushenka Claumaire (younger half-brother); REDACTED (biological father, deceased)
MARITAL STATUSIn an open relationship with her partners, Daemien and Kadima.
OCCUPATIONHemp gardener and distributor. Escort, if times call for it.
AILMENTSVertical scar on left side of face; various scars all over her body. C-PTSD, BPD, and fibromyalgia. Aetherical imbalance.

Trilingual; native Ala Mhigan speaker, holding perfect fluency in Eorzean and sign language.
Mica speaks with a soft Ala Mhigan accent, but will slip into a harsher accent when upset or intoxicated. She'll also slip into a rural Gyr Abanian dialect when experiencing the latter, disregarding her posh attitude in the moment.
Often resorts to hiding her flaws in order to prevent people from digging into her past, putting on a cheery display when out in public. Her personality and positivity are authentic, but overexaggerates her traits. She's carefree, kind, and devoted to the causes and people she cares deeply about. Mica presents herself as outgoing, but in reality often keeps to herself and values time alone. On her bad days, she proves herself to be snarky, sarcastic, spits out a sharp tongue, and in rare occurrences she is prone to outbursts. But she is not all fiery, often feeling bouts of melancholy and distrust more than anything as a result of her life's traumas. Despite all that life throws at her, Mica strives to remain humble and optimistic.


Casual + Heavy RP; mun is very flexible with writing style.
Lore/plot-driven RP

? Character drama
? Lore-bending
? Romance
All these things I'm open to, but ask first and we can discuss details!

✘ Inflicting physical injuries, engaging in fights, inflicting emotional/psychological harm on this character without OOC consent.
✘ Non-con/rape
✘ ERP with under-aged characters and/or Lalafells.

- Mica is not a Warrior of Light of any sorts--she's just some gal living in Eorzea.
- IC =/= OOC. The actions of my characters do not reflect me, the writer. I am NOT my character. I.E.: my character being intimate and involved with yours does not reflect my own feelings towards you. Please do not blur these lines with me.- I'm a bit selective with who I roleplay with due to unfortunate past situations. So if I seem to reject you or have difficulty interacting with you in RP, don't take it too personal.- I'm based in Central Standard Time in the US and I'm mostly available in-game on weekday evenings (after 5PM) and on the weekends. I've mostly RPed in-game, but I RP over Discord as well.


- Before the Calamity and up until recent times, she used to take up the name Mica Claumaire in escorting work to avoid discrimination for her Ala Mhigan heritage. Perhaps you have any recollection of her from somewhere?- Tea is a specialty of the Elezen, and this isn't limited to drinks alone. While she's not an informant of sorts, Mica has a habit of eavesdropping on conversations she shouldn't hear and loves to engage in gossip. If you're in the mood for hot tea, she might be able to provide you.- Mica is very fond of the outdoors, hence her love for hiking. Whether it be a stroll in the neighborhood or a day in the woods, hiking is one of Mica's favorite hobbies and finds it to be a great stress reliever. Accompany her and who knows what adventures (or conversations) will await!- If you need a fix of flower or brownies, you can rely on her... as long as you bring coin for purchases.- Mica is still willing to lay on her back for some coin, moreso independently these days. If you're ever lonely or in dire need of experimenting with some kinks, she may lend a helping hand.